Post by Uncle Igmar on May 8, 2009 14:06:10 GMT -5
So what answers do you want to find out in the finale? I mean we all want to see what the front of the 4 toed statue looks like - and see where Rose and Bernard are.
But I want to know the real reason the Swan was being built in the 1st place. I want to know what the deal with Ilana's group is.
Any other questions you'd like to add?
Post by thebeatlesremain on May 8, 2009 14:09:36 GMT -5
The face of Jacob, and wtf is Richard Alpert, why is locke all weird like, and WHAT'S IN THE GUITAR CASE?!
Post by spinaltumor on May 8, 2009 15:32:22 GMT -5
Can they change the future or not? What's in the crate? (That goes long with what Ilana's group is) Will Jin and Sun reunite? Does anyone even care about them reuniting other than them (on the show)? Will Des come back to the Island? What's it mean to be "special"?
Some of these are just Lost questions in general...heh.
Post by corrwill on May 8, 2009 16:45:34 GMT -5
Yeah I want the BIGGEST one of all...WHERE ARE ROSE AND BERNARD!?
...and seeing Claire again would be awesome. It's been a year since we've seen her (last season finale) I know, I know season 6, but hey I can dream.
Post by spinaltumor on May 8, 2009 18:48:49 GMT -5
We DID see Claire if she was the mysterious figure behind Sun in that one episode, haha.
Post by corrwill on May 9, 2009 0:01:45 GMT -5
OH yeah...well maybe
Post by dharmashark on May 9, 2009 0:31:36 GMT -5
They have to answer 4-toed statue, guitar case, and Rose and Bernard at least.
Other than that just give me some Sayid action and I'm happy.
Post by spinaltumor on May 9, 2009 2:05:10 GMT -5
Hey hey psst psst... Don't read if you don't want to know a little tidbit about the finale (minus details). Rose and Bernard are credited in the cast for being in The Incident.
Post by thebeatlesremain on May 9, 2009 9:02:42 GMT -5
I saw that too Hey hey psst psst... Don't read if you don't want to know a little tidbit about the finale (minus details). Rose and Bernard are credited in the cast for being in The Incident.
Post by wiired on May 9, 2009 9:46:56 GMT -5
1) What happened to Vincent? 2) What happened to Rose and Bernard 3) Who led The Others during the 3 years that Locke/Ben were gone? What happened on the Island during that time? 4) How/why did Eloise Hawking and Ben become quasi-allies? 5) How/why was Locke resurrected? 6) Was Widmore really trying to destroy the island? What is the "secondary protocol" from Season 4? 7) Why did Desmond remember his conversation with Faraday so many years later?
Post by Mexican Coke on May 9, 2009 13:46:42 GMT -5
Can they change the future or not? What's in the crate? (That goes long with what Ilana's group is) Will Jin and Sun reunite? Does anyone even care about them reuniting other than them (on the show)? Will Des come back to the Island? What's it mean to be "special"? Some of these are just Lost questions in general...heh. I totally agree with your question on Sun/Jin. Ive always liked their story but its like the writers keep ignoring that plotline. At least they get screentime... I think the Jacob reveal, crate and guitar case are all given...hopefully. How many necks will be snapped by Sayid? Will Jack, Kate, Juliet really leave the island with all this going down? And will Christian Shepherd show up again to freak Jack out? Kate too, now that Claire is with them.
Post by corrwill on May 9, 2009 14:03:35 GMT -5
I believe we will see Jack's dad in the finale, but whether it's in 1977, 2007 or just a flashback from Jack's past I can't really say. Should be awesome and I can't wait for these answers.
...one question I still have is Anne. I thought we would see her this season, but nope. So is she not at all important like we thought? I really thought she would be, based on the fact that Ben keep the present she gave him as a kid. mmmmm if D&C are going to leave 1977 forever this season, I guess we may not find out.
Post by spinaltumor on May 9, 2009 14:51:12 GMT -5
I want to know about Annie too!
Post by iamjacob on May 11, 2009 13:58:03 GMT -5
I hope we find out: 1. What is in that silver box that Ilana's group was going to move. 2. What lies in the shadow of the statue. 3. What Jacob looks like. 4. What the Incident was. 5. Where is Rose and Bernard. 6. If Locke is going to kill Jacob. 7. How Miles can talk to dead people. 8. Who dies in the finale
Post by Jonny Boy McFish Bizkit on May 11, 2009 16:25:57 GMT -5
in my opinion , no LOST season finale is complete without an appearance from Walt...so im hoping to see him...but not really holding my breath