Post by Blaw on May 30, 2006 21:35:09 GMT -5
290) Whatever your into, Get into Jay
Post by 大杂烩 on May 30, 2006 21:36:03 GMT -5
291) the Jay effect
Post by Blaw on May 30, 2006 21:37:25 GMT -5
292) Dial down the Jay 293)Jay is our middle name
Post by Blaw on May 30, 2006 21:38:58 GMT -5
294) You've got questions. We've got jay!
Post by 大杂烩 on May 30, 2006 21:39:35 GMT -5
295) Jay's Army; the ultimate exalting machine
Post by Dez on May 30, 2006 21:39:54 GMT -5
296) Fresh in 60 days, in 7 new ways, its JAY
Post by 大杂烩 on May 30, 2006 21:42:53 GMT -5
297) Jay; because he's worth it
Post by 大杂烩 on May 30, 2006 21:44:40 GMT -5
298) Jay exalters wanted
Post by Blaw on May 30, 2006 21:46:23 GMT -5
299) Jay- compatible in up to 23 languages
Post by Dez on May 30, 2006 21:46:47 GMT -5
300) Jay - just because
Post by Blaw on May 30, 2006 21:47:25 GMT -5
yay happy 300!
Post by 大杂烩 on May 30, 2006 21:47:44 GMT -5
should we still aim for 5000?
Post by Blaw on May 30, 2006 21:58:52 GMT -5
251-300 Recap251) exalt jay- because it's better than watching scream 3 252) cause sam jackson said so 253) exalt jay because if you dont, I WILL! 254) Your such a bore, exalt jay more. 255) Desmond says "exalt jay, brotha!" 256) If you work for dharma, give jay a karma. 257) I once exalted jack it was OK minus the sever bleeding and uncontrollable thrashing of the limbs 258) JAY YOU GUYS! 259) if e=mc2, then shouldnt u=x-alt J 260) VIVA LA JAY! 261)exalt jay;he'll be your fiancé 262) exalt jay; he has lemon sorbet 263)exalt jack; we'll break your back 264) dont exalt jack; he doesnt have a mac 265) Exalt Jack? There's the fire stack! 266) Exalt Jack? What the heck? 267) Exalt Jack? Thats wack! 268) JA can make five toed statues 269) Exalting Jay is good for your health 270) An exalt for Jay keeps the Jack away 271) by the time you have finished reading this slogan you will relise that this slogan isnt really worth reading so why are you still reading it...........EXALT JAY 272) Exalt Jay! He'll give you gold flaky stars! 273) Exalt Jay! He's got more tallies! 274) Once upon a time there was a man named jack, The End. 275) Exalting Jay keeps the Clones away! 276) Dharma Clones -made by Jack, in the underwater hatch. Stop the Madness! Exalt Jay! 277) Jay is as perfect as a Shinra Clone 278) you can exalt jack if you want, but dont you wanna be cool ? EXALT JAY! 279)jay will win the karma war; jack's bald head will be full of sores 280) obey your jay 281) Out of the Strong came Jay 282) Get the Jay Habit 283) Choosey moms choose Jay 284)It's not TV. It's Jay 285) Jay-Lickin' Good 286) Jay-Australian for beer 287) It's Jay Time 288) leggo my Jay! 289)Lipsmackin' Thirstquenchin' Acetastin' Motivatin' Goodbuzzin' Cooltalkin' Highwalkin' Fastlivin' Evergivin' Coolfizzin' Jay. 290) Whatever your into, Get into Jay 291) the Jay effect 292) Dial down the Jay 293)Jay is our middle name 294) You've got questions. We've got jay! 295) Jay's Army; the ultimate exalting machine 296) Fresh in 60 days, in 7 new ways, its JAY 297) Jay; because he's worth it 298) Jay exalters wanted 299) Jay- compatible in up to 23 languages 300) Jay - just because
Post by sofila on May 30, 2006 22:55:33 GMT -5
301) my jay is better than you honor student
Post by sofila on May 30, 2006 23:00:35 GMT -5
302) dont get mad, get jay!